Policies and Regulations
- Section A: Foundation and Basic Commitments
- Section B: Board Governance & Operations
- Section C: General School Administration
- Section D: Fiscal Management
- Section E: Support Services
- Section F: Facility Planning & Development
- Section G: Personnel
- Section I: Instructional Program
- Section J: Students
- Section K: School Community Relations
- Section L: Education Agency Relations
Tucson Unified's Governing Board invites staff, students, and members of the community to
review and submit comments concerning pending Governing Board Policy changes
Section A covers the District's legal role in providing public education and the basic principles underlying school board governance. These policies provide a setting for all of the school board's other policies and regulations.
- A - District Vision, Mission, and Values | Print Version of Policy A - English (in PDF) | Print Version of Policy A - Spanish (in PDF) Revised 01/24/2023
- ABB - Personal Privacy - Students, Staff, Volunteers at Schools | Print Version of Policy ABB (in PDF) Revised 10/15/2024
- AC - Non-Discrimination | Print Version of Policy AC (in PDF) Revised 11/29/2022
- AC-R - Discrimination-Complaint Procedure Regulation | Print Version of Regulation AC-R (in PDF) Reviewed 05/14/2020
- AC-R2 - Discrimination-Americans With Disabilities Act Regulation | Print Version of Regulation AC-R2 (in PDF) Reviewed 06/23/2006
- AC-R3 - Procedures for Open and Active Discrimination Claims | Print Version of Regulation AC-R3 (in PDF) Reviewed 09/29/2011
- AC-E Complaint Form AC-E - Allegation of Discrimination and/or Harassment (in PDF) Revised 10/07/2019
- ACA Sexual Harassment | Print Version of Policy ACA (in PDF) Revised 02/22/2022
- ACA-R Sexual Harassment Regulation | Print Version of Regulation ACA-R (in PDF) Revised 03/30/2022
- ACAA Title IX Sex-Based Discrimination | Print Version of Policy ACAA (in PDF) Revised 02/03/2025
- ACAA-R Title IX Sex-Based Discrimination | Print Version of Regulation ACAA-R (in PDF) Revised 02/03/2025
- ACB Immigration Anti-Discrimination | Print Version of Policy ACB (in PDF) Revised 04/09/2019
- ACC Commitments to Diversity, Inclusion and Equity | Print Version of Policy ACC (in PDF) Adopted 05/12/2020
- ACD Non-Discrimination and Gender Identity | Print Version of Policy ACD (in PDF) Adopted 12/08/2020
- ACD-E1 - Student Request to Change Demographic Information in the Student Information System (in PDF) Adopted 12/15/2020
- ADF Intercultural Proficiency | Print Version of Policy ADF (in PDF) Reviewed 07/13/2018
- ADF-R Intercultural Proficiency Regulation | Print Version of Regulation ADF-R (in PDF) Revised 11/08/2006
Section B covers the school board - how it is elected; how it is organized; how it conducts meetings, and how the board operates. This section includes bylaws and policies establishing the board's internal operating procedures.
- BBAA Board Member Authority and Responsibilities | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/28/2019
- BBAB Security at Board Meetings | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 10/25/2011
- BCB Board Member Conflict of Interest | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 04/23/2019
- BCB-E Board Member Conflict of Interest Exhibit (in PDF) Revised 11/21/2024
- BDFA Stakeholder Input and Advisory Committees | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/03/2013
- BDFB Audit Committee Complaint Procedures | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 06/09/2009
- BDG General Counsel | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 04/23/2019
- BEDB Board Meeting Agenda Posting and Organization | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/09/2021
- BEDH Public Participation at Board Meetings | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 12/12/2023
- BEDBA Board Meeting Agenda Preparation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/25/2019
- BG Board Policy Process | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/29/2022
- BG-E1 Policy Development Flowchart (in PDF) Revised 11/29/2022
- BGA Policy Authority | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 03/25/2013
- BGF Suspension/Repeal of Policy | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/05/2012
- BID Board Member Compensation and Expenses | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/24/2013
- BIE Board Member Insurance| Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 03/06/2013
- BIE-R Board Member Insurance Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 05/06/2005
- CBB Leadership Emergency Coverage | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 04/11/2023
- CBCA Delegated Authority | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/22/2013
- CCD Treatment of Confidential Information | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/08/2013
- CCD-R Treatment of Confidential Information Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/03/2005
- CCD-E Treatment of Confidential Information Exhibit (in PDF) Revised 05/14/2012
- CCD-R Treatment of Confidential Information Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/03/2005
- CF Leadership Principles | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/24/2013
- CF-R Leadership Principles Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/01/2016
- CFC School Councils | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/25/2011
- CG School Improvement Models | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 11/22/2011
- CG-E1 Restart Model (in PDF) Adopted 11/22/2011
- CG-E2 Closure Model (in PDF) Adopted 11/22/2011
- CG-E3 Turnaround Model (in PDF) Adopted 11/22/2011
- CG-E4 Transformation Model (in PDF) Adopted 11/22/2011
- CH Policy Implementation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 03/27/2012
- CHD Administration in the Absence of Policy | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/24/2013
Section D: Fiscal Management
Section D covers school finances and the management of funds, material resources, purchasing and warehousing. Policies on the financing of school construction and renovation, however, are filed in Section F, Facilities Development.
- DAA Contingency Reserve Requirement | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/25/2021
- DAA-E1 Required Contingency Reserve Exhibit (in PDF) Adopted 03/12/2019
- DBC Budget Planning, Preparation and Schedules | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/12/2020
- DBC-R Budget Planning, Preparation and Schedules Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 11/06/2018
- DD Funding Proposals, Grants, and Special Projects | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 04/18/2013
- DDA Funding Sources Outside the School System | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/02/2012
- DFG Review & Action of Impact to the District Based on Growth & Rezoning | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 03/18/2013
- DG Banking Services | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 05/24/2022
- DGA Authorized Signatures | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 06/04/2024
- DID Asset Management | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 05/06/2013
- DID-R Asset Management Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 12/14/2004
- DID-E Asset Management Exhibit (in PDF)
- DID-R Asset Management Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 12/14/2004
- DIF Audits/Financial Monitoring | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 02/22/2022
- DIFA Office of Internal Audit | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 11/17/2020
- DIFA-E Evaluation Tool for Office of Internal Audit (in PDF) Adopted 11/17/2020
- DIFB Fraud, Theft, or other Intentional Acts of Crime Discovered by the Internal Auditor | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/14/2018
- DIFC Fraud Risk Prevention | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 10/5/2021
- DJ Purchasing Ethics Policy | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 09/24/2019
- DJ-E Procurement and Vendor Relations Ethics (in PDF) Revised 05/14/2012
- DJ-E2 Purchasing Procedures Exhibit (in PDF) Revised 04/25/2014
- DJE - Purchasing Procedures | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/24/2019
- DJE-R - Purchasing Procedures Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/31/2023
- DJG Vendor/Contractor Relations | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 12/10/2013
- DKB Salary Deductions | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/14/2018
- DKB-R Mandatory Deduction for Overpayment of Salary or Wages | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 09/19/2018
- DKC Expense Authorization/Reimbursement | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/24/2013
- EB Environmental and Safety Program | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/27/2013
- EB-R Fire Code Compliance | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 02/03/2012
- EB-R3 Chemical Safety | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 07/18/2023
- EB-E2-T Student Supervision Framework (in PDF) Adopted 03/02/2022
- EBAA Reporting of Hazards/Warning Systems - Pesticide/Herbicide | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/28/2012
- EBAA-R Reporting of Hazards/Warning Systems - Pesticide/Herbicide Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/23/2006
- EBC Emergencies | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 01/30/2024
- EBCB Safety Drills | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/28/2013
- EBCB-R Safety Drill Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 09/30/2019
- ECAA Security (Surveillance Cameras) | Print Version in PDF Adopted 03/30/2021
- ECA-R Key Control Program | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 05/30/2014
- ECA-E1 Key Terms and Authorizations Required (in PDF) Revised 05/30/2014
- ECA-E2 Key Control Program Contractor Key Replacement Fees (in PDF) Revised 05/30/2014
- ECA-R Key Control Program | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 05/30/2014
- ECF Energy Conservation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/29/2024
- ECF-R2 Energy Conservation Practices - Temperature Controls | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/05/2009
- EDC Authorized Use of School Material and Equipment | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/11/2013
- EDC-E1 Affidavit for Use of District Equipment Off District Premises (in PDF) Revised 05/14/2012
- EDC-E2 Use of District Equipment Request Form (in PDF) Revised 05/14/2012
- EDC-E3 Check-out Form for District Equipment (in PDF)Revised 05/14/2012
- EDDA Fees for Use of Tucson Unified School District #1 Materials - Policy eliminated by Governing Board
- EEA Student Transportation in School Buses | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 09/12/2023
- EEAE Bus Safety Program | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/20/2024 (updated reg citation only)
- EEAEAA Drug and Alcohol Testing For Commercially Licensed Drivers | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 10/02/2012
- EEAF Special Use of Buses | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 03/27/2012
- EEAFB School Bus Advertising | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/11/2013
- EEAFB-R School Bus Advertising Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 10/09/2009
- EEB Business and Personnel Transportation Services | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/24/2013
- EEB-R1 Business and Personnel Transportation Services Regulation - Transportation by Employees | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/23/2023
- EEB-R2 Business and Personnel Transportation Services Regulation - Use of District Vehicles | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 03/07/2024 (Update to Admin Code reference only)
- EEB-R3 Business and Personnel Transportation Services Regulation - Student Transportation for Special Events | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 04/10/2015
- EEBAA Travel Per Diem - Eliminated by Governing Board, 06/28/11
- EEBD Business Transportation Records and Reports | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/24/2013
- EEC Environmental Quality - Vehicle Idling | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/16/2013
- EEC-R Environmental Quality - Idle Reduction Policy Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/24/2005
- EFA Food Provisions for Staff, Parents and Volunteers | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 09/12/2023
- EFA-R Food Provision for Staff, Parents and Volunteers Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 02/14/2024
- EFC Free and Reduced - Price Food Services | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/11/2013
- EGAD Intellectual Property | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 10/25/2011
- EGAD-R Electronic Copyright Compliance | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/26/2013
- EHC Designation of Person(s) to Accept Service of Legal Papers on the District | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/23/2019
- EIA Property Insurance | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/08/2008
- EJA Acceptable Use of Technology Resources | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 11/13/2012
- EJA-R Acceptable Use of Technology Resources Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 12/17/2004
- EJA-E Acceptable Use of Technology Resources Exhibit - Agreement for Use of District Computer Equipment (in PDF) Revised 05/14/2012
- EJA-R Acceptable Use of Technology Resources Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 12/17/2004
- EJC Electronic Mail | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 08/03/2004
- EJD Cell Phone Stipend | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/11/2013
- EJD-R Cell Phone Stipend Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/24/2011
- EJG Telephone Usage (desk phones, fax lines, cell phones, radios) | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/16/2013
- EJG-R Telephone Usage (desk phones, fax lines, cell phones, radios) Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/09/2011
- EJG-E1 Telephone Usage District Cell Phone Application Form (exhibit) (in PDF) Revised 05/14/2012
- EJG-E2 Telephone Usage Personal Telephone Reimbursement Request (exhibit) - Eliminated on September 9, 2011
- EJG-R Telephone Usage (desk phones, fax lines, cell phones, radios) Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/09/2011
Section F: Facility Planning and Development
Section F covers facility planning, financing, construction and renovation. It also includes the topics of temporary facilities and school closings.
- FCB Closing Schools | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 04/16/2013
- FCB-R Closing Schools Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/23/2006
- FD Construction of District Facilities/Exemption from Building Permits | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 07/24/2012
- FD-E Exhibit A - Notice (in PDF) Revised 08/16/2012
- FEDD Historic Preservation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/01/2013
- FF Naming Facilities and Parts of Facilities | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/24/2013
- FF-R Naming Facilities and Parts of Facilities Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/23/2006
- FFB Names on Plaques | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/01/2013
- FFC School Marquee Signs | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/01/2013
- FFC-R School Marquee Signs Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/23/2006
- GA Personnel Goals/Priority Objectives | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/02/2012
- GBA Equal Employment Opportunity | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 12/12/2012
- GBA-R Guidelines Regarding the Support of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Individuals | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 06/10/2020
- GBB Staff Involvement in Decision Making | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/24/2013
- GBB-R Staff Involvement in Decision Making Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 07/12/2011
- GBDA Procedure for Resolution of Conflicts between Staff and Administrator | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 09/04/2012
- GBEA Staff Ethics | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/25/2011
- GBEAA Staff Conflict of Interest | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 04/23/2019
- GBEB Staff Conduct | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 03/27/2020
- GBEB-R1 Staff Conduct Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/30/2020
- GBEB-R2 Use of Conducted Energy Devices by School Safety Officers | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 02/12/2020
- GBEBA Dress Code for Employees | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 05/28/2013
- GBEBB Staff Conduct with Students | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 09/04/2012
- GBEBB-R Staff Conduct with Students Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/30/2020
- GBEBC Gifts to and Solicitations by Staff Members | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/27/2011
- GBEC Substance-Free Workplace | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 05/06/2013
- GBEC-R1 Substance-Free Workplace Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/27/2007
- GBEC-R2 Substance-Free Workplace Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 01/18/2005
- GBED Smoking by Staff Members | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/23/2013
- GBEFA Staff Use of Digital Wireless Communications or Electronic Devices While Operating a Motor Vehicle | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 03/27/2020
- GBGC Employee Health and Safety | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/19/2023
- GBGC-R Employee Assistance | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 07/12/2011
- GBGC-R1 Reporting Industrial Injuries or Illness | Print Version (in PDF) 07/11/2011
- GBGC-R2 Required Health Examinations | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 01/18/2005
- GBGC-R3 Bloodborne Pathogen Requirement | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/19/2023
- GBGC-R4 Employee Sick Leave | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 06/30/2017
- GBGC-R5 Prohibition Against Retaliation for Use of Sick Leave | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 06/30/2017
- GBGCA Proof of Immunization | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/11/2023
- GBGCB Staff Health and Safety - Communicable Diseases | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/04/2024
- GBI District and Staff Participation in Political Activities | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 03/10/2020
- GBJ Personnel Records and Files | Print Version (in PDF) 08/27/2019
- GBJ-R Personnel Records and Files Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/10/2024
- GBP Prohibited Personnel Practices | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 05/28/2013
- GBQ Eligibility for Rehire | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 10/02/2019
- GBQ-E Exhibit (in PDF)
- GCAA Application for Position | Print Version (in PDF) 06/21/2022
- GCAB Filling of Vacancies | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/14/2018
- GCAB-R Remote Work Assignments | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 02/10/2022
- GCAB-E AGREEMENT - Remote Work Assignment | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 02/10/2022
- GCAB-R2 Highly Qualified and Appropriately Certified Staff | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 10/08/2010
- GCAB-R Remote Work Assignments | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 02/10/2022
- GCAC Negotiation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/23/2013
- GCB Employee Contracts and Compensation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 01/25/2022
- GCBB Administrators Contracts | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/08/2015
- GCBB-R Administrator Contracts | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 08/14/2015
- GCBC Professional Staff Supplementary Pay Plans | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 04/23/2012
- GCBC-R Recruitment, Retention and Transfer Stipends | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 05/17/2013
- GCBCA Moving Expenses | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/03/2013
- GCBD Health and Welfare Insurance Benefits | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 03/25/2013
- GCBD-R Health and Welfare Insurance Benefits Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 07/29/2005
- GCC Unauthorized Leave | Print Version (in PDF) Readopted 08/25/2009
- GCCA Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 12/10/2024
- GCCA-R Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 09/11/2015
- GCCI Administrative Temporary Assignment | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/22/2011
- GCFB Hiring of Retirees from the Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS) | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/15/2016
- GCFC Certification and Credentialing Requirements | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 10/09/2012
- GCFE Oath of Office | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/16/2013
- GCGA Auxiliary Teaching Personnel | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/11/2013
- GCGAB Temporary and Part-Time Personnel | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/03/2013
- GCH Employee Orientation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/16/2013
- GCI Professional Staff Development | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/09/2015
- GCO Evaluation of Certificated Staff Members | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/09/2016
- GCO-R Evaluation of Certificated Teachers | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 08/24/2012
- GCO-R1 Evaluation of Certificated Teachers | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 04/29/2016
- GCO-R2 Administrator Evaluation Procedure | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/01/2016
- GCO-E1 TUSD School Counselor Evaluation Instrument Resource (in PDF)
- GCO-E2 TUSD School Counselor Performance Evaluation (in PDF)
- GCO-E3 Administrator Evaluation Instrument Exhibit (in PDF)
- GCO-E4 Placement Guide for Principal Evaluation Cycle Exhibit (in PDF)
- GCO-E5 Professional Growth Plan Exhibit (in PDF)
- GCOC Rules for Disciplinary Action Against an Administrator | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/12/2013
- GCQA-R Reduction in Force Guidance (in PDF)
- GCR Outside Employment Services | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/17/2012
- GCRD Tutoring for Pay | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 12/11/2012
- GDBC Classified Staff Supplemental Pay/Overtime | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/22/2012
- GDDA Employee Early Release | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/24/2013
- GDFA Fingerprint Clearance (Formerly GCFA) | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/03/2013
- GDFA-R Fingerprint Clearance Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/27/2010
- GDFB Current Employees Charged with a Crime – Requirement to Report | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 12/10/2019
- GE Defense and Indemnification of Employees in Litigation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 03/27/2012
Section I covers the instructional program: basic curricular subjects; special programs, instructional resources, evaluation of programs, and academic achievement.
- IC School Year | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 03/25/2013
- ID School Day | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/01/2018
- ID-R School Day Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 09/23/2005
- IGA Curriculum Development | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 04/14/2015
- IGE Curriculum Guides and Course Outlines | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/14/2015
- IHAA English Instruction | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/05/2012
- IHAM Physical Activity and Wellness | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/12/2014
- IHAM-R1 District Wellness Program | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/09/2018
- IHAM-R2 Student Physical Activity | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 08/09/2018
- IHAM-E District Wellness Exhibit - District Nutrition Standards (in PDF) Revised 11/26/2018
- IHAMB Family Life Education | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/14/2016
- IHAMB-R Family Life Education Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 03/03/2006
- IHAMC Instruction and Training in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 06/18/2019
- IHB Exceptional Education Instructional Programs | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/13/2018
- IHB-R Exceptional Education Instructional Programs Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/23/2023
- IHBA Education of Section 504 Disabled Students | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/21/2024 (Cross-ref only)
- IHBA-R - Complaints under Section 504 and ADA | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/21/2024
- IHBB Gifted and Talented Education | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 10/09/2012
- IHBE Parental Waivers for English Learners in Dual Language Classrooms | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/05/2012
- IHBF Homebound Instruction | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/13/2016
- IHBJ Native American Education | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 01/27/2009
- Native American Policies and Procedures (in PDF) Revised 01/25/2022
- IHCBA Student Participation in Events Out-of-State | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 12/11/2012
- IHCBB School Sponsored Trips to Foreign Countries - Repealed 12/14/10
- IIB Class Size | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 05/28/2013
- IIEA High School Subjects Taken in Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grades | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/09/2021
- IIEA-R High School Subjects Taken in Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grades Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 04/18/2019
- IJ Instructional Resources and Materials | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/25/2011
- IJ-R Instructional Resources and Materials Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 10/05/2004
- IJ-R1 Instructional Resources and Materials Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 07/12/2011
- IJ-R2 Instructional Resources and Materials Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 07/12/2011
- IJ-R3 Instructional Resources and Materials Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 07/12/2011
- IJJ Text/Supplementary Materials Selection and Adoption | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 04/23/2019
- Emergency Determination on Purchase/Approval of Instructional Materials - Adopted 04/07/20 (in PDF)
- IJJ-R Text/Supplementary Materials Selection and Adoption Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/13/2018
- IJJ-E Supplemental Materials Flow Chart (in PDF) Revised 9/28/2020
- IJK Library Programs | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 01/17/2013
- IJL Library Materials Selection and Adoption | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 01/24/2023
- IJL-R Library Materials Selection and Adoption Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 02/01/2023
- IJL-E1 Library Materials Selection and Adoption Exhibit 1, Faculty Recommendations for Library Media Center Materials (in PDF) Revised 05/22/2012
- IJL-E2 Library Materials Selection and Adoption Exhibit 2, Student and Parent Recommendations for Library Media Center Materials (in PDF) Revised 05/22/2012
- IJL-R Library Materials Selection and Adoption Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 02/01/2023
- IJNDB Use of Technology Resources in Instruction | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/24/2018
- IJNDB-R1 Use of Technology Resources in Instruction Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/20/2018
- IJNDB-R2 Use of Technology Resources in Instruction - Laptop Usage | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 10/13/2006
- IJNDB-E1 Use of Technology Resources in Instruction Exhibit 1, Electronic Information Services User Agreement (on PDF) Adopted 08/20/2018
- IJOC School Volunteers | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/03/2013
Translations: Chinese | Spanish | Vietnamese- IJOC-R School Volunteers Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/15/2012
Translations: Chinese | Spanish | Vietnamese- VOLUNTEER APPLICATION FORM Revised September 2021
- نحن نشجعكم على التطوع في مدرسة أطفالكم. لمعرفة تفاصيل كيف تصبح متطوعا في مدرستكم، يرجى الاتصال بالمكتب الأمامي للمدرسة. يمكن للمدرسة أن تساعدك في ملء استمارة طلب التطوع بمساعدة مترجم فوري.
- We encourage you to volunteer at your child's school. To find out details on how to become a school volunteer, please contact the school front office. Your school can help you fill out the Volunteer Application Form with the help of an interpreter.
- Le alentamos a servir como voluntario en la escuela de su niño(a). Para enterarse de los detalles de cómo ser un voluntario de la escuela, por favor comuníquese con la oficina principal de la escuela, su escuela le puede ayudar a llenar la Forma de Solicitud de Voluntario con la ayuda de un intérprete.
- Turagutera umwete wo gukorera ubushake kw’ishuri ry'umwana wawe. Kugirango umenye amakuru y’ukuntu ushobora kuba umukorerabushake w’ishuri, nyabuna hamagara ibiro vy’ishuri. Ishuri ryawe rirashobora kugufasha kuzuza Ifishi isaba kuba umukorerabushake ubifashijwemo n’umusemuzi.
- Waxaan kugu dhiirigelinaynaa inaad ku tabarucdo wakhtiga si lo caawiyo dugsiga ilmahaaga. Si aad u ogaato faahfaahinta sida loo noqdo mutadawiciin dugsi, fadlan la xiriir xafiiska hore ee dugsiga. Dugsigaagu wuxuu kaa caawin karaa buuxinta Foomka Codsiga Tabaruca isagoo la kaashanaya turjumaan.
- Tunakuhimiza kujitolea katika shule ya mtoto wako. Ili kupata maelezo juu ya jinsi ya kujitolea shuleni, tafadhali wasiliana na ofisi ya mbele ya shule. Shule yako inaweza kukusaidia kujaza Fomu ya Maombi ya kujitolea kwa msaada wa mkalimani.
- Chúng tôi khuyến khích bạn làm tình nguyện viên tại trường của con bạn. Để tìm hiểu chi tiết về cách trở thành tình nguyện viên của trường, vui lòng liên hệ với văn phòng trường. Trường của bạn có thể giúp bạn điền vào Mẫu Đơn Tình nguyện viên với sự giúp đỡ của một thông dịch viên.
- IJOC-R School Volunteers Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/15/2012
- IJOCA Recognition of School Volunteers | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 12/11/2012
- IKA Grading/Assessment Systems | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 02/13/2018
- IKA-R Grading/Assessment Systems | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 12/10/2019
- IKAB Report Cards/Progress Reports | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/23/2009
- IKB Homework | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/28/2010
- IKE Promotion, Retention and Acceleration of Students | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/28/2020
- IKE-R1 Promotion, Retention, Acceleration and Appeal | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/28/2013
- IKE-R2 Competency Requirement for Promotion of Students from Third Grade | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/21/2022
- IKE-E1 Student Support Plan (SSP) (in PDF) Recoded 06/15/2013
- IKE-E2 IKE Exhibit 2 - Parent/Guardian Letter of Acceptance of Student's Acceleration Decision (in PDF) Recoded 06/15/2013
- IKE-E3 IKE Exhibit 3 - Parent Request for Review of Teacher Decision (in PDF) Recoded 06/15/2013
- IKE-E4 IKE Exhibit 4 - Sample Parent Letter Progress Meeting (in PDF) Recoded 06/15/2013
- IKE-E5 IKE Exhibit 5 - Notice of Decision for Retention (in PDF) Recoded 06/15/2013
Translation: Spanish - IKE-E6 IKE Exhibit 6 - Recommended Education Plan (in PDF) Recoded 06/15/2013
- IKE-E7 IKE Exhibit 7 - Calendar of Events (in PDF) Recoded 06/15/2013
- IKF Graduation Requirements | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/29/2022
- IKF-R Graduation Requirements Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/05/2024
- IKF-E1 IKF Exhibit 1 - Graduation Requirements (Alternatives to PE Requirements) (in PDF) Adopted 04/28/2015
- IKF-E2 IKF Exhibit 2 - Alternatives to Physical Education Program Counselor Checklist (in PDF) Adopted 04/28/2015
- IKF-R Graduation Requirements Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/05/2024
- IKFB Graduation Exercises | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 03/26/2019
- IKFB-R Graduation Exercises - Honor Cords | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/20/2019
- IKG Credit for Distance Learning Courses | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 01/10/2006
- IMB Teaching about Controversial/Sensitive Issues | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 07/24/2007
- IMC Guest Speakers | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 05/20/2013
- IMD School Observances (Patriotic) | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/03/2013
- IMG Animals in Schools | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 03/27/2020
- IMG-R1 Animals in Schools | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 03/31/2020
Section J covers admissions, attendance, rights and responsibilities, conduct, discipline, health and welfare, and school-related activities.
- JB Equal Educational Opportunities and Anti-Harassment | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/23/2011
Translation: Spanish- JB-R Equal Educational Opportunities and Anti-Harassment Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/15/2020
Translation: Spanish
- JB-R Equal Educational Opportunities and Anti-Harassment Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/15/2020
- JC School Attendance Boundaries | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/31/2023
Translation: Spanish- JC-R School Attendance Boundaries Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/31/2023
Translation: Spanish
- JC-R School Attendance Boundaries Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/31/2023
- JE Student Attendance | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/22/2011
Translation: Spanish- JE-R Student Attendance Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 09/22/2009
Translation: Spanish- JE-E1 Student Attendance Exhibit 1 - Student Attendance Letter (Middle School) (in PDF)
Translation: Spanish - JE-E2 Student Attendance Exhibit 2 - Student Attendance Letter (High School) (in PDF)
Translation: Spanish
- JE-E1 Student Attendance Exhibit 1 - Student Attendance Letter (Middle School) (in PDF)
- JE-R Student Attendance Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 09/22/2009
- JEB Entrance Age Requirements | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 02/22/2011
Translation: Spanish- JEB-R Entrance Age Requirements Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 01/08/2020
Translation: Spanish
- JEB-R Entrance Age Requirements Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 01/08/2020
- JF Student Admissions | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/12/2023
Translation: Spanish- JF-R Student Admissions Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/04/2024
Translation: Spanish- JF-E State of Arizona Affidavit of Shared Residence (in PDF)
Translation: Spanish
- JF-E State of Arizona Affidavit of Shared Residence (in PDF)
- JF-R Student Admissions Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/04/2024
- JFABD Admission of Homeless Students | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 03/27/2020
- JFABD-R Admission of Homeless Students Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/31/2023
- JFABDA Admission of Students in Foster Care | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 03/31/2020
- JFABDA-R1 Admission of Students in Foster Care Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/31/2023
- JFABDA-R2 Arrangement and Funding of Transportation of Children in Foster Care to School of Origin | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 03/31/2020
- JFB Enrollment and School Choice | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 12/10/2024
Translation: Spanish- JFB-R1 School Choice: General Attendance | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 02/10/2017
- JFB-R2 School Choice: Applications, Continuance and Transportation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 05/31/2023
- JFB-R3 Pipeline Schools | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 07/10/2015
- JFB-R4 School Choice: Admissions Process for Oversubscribed Schools | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 03/03/2023
- JFB-E1 Open Enrollment/Magnet School Application for 2025-2026 (in PDF)
Translations: Arabic | Kirundi | Spanish | Somali | Swahili | Vietnamese - JFB-E1 Open Enrollment/Magnet School Application for 2024-2025 (in PDF)
Translations: Arabic | Kirundi | Spanish | Somali | Swahili | Vietnamese - JFB-E2 Tucson Unified School District Pipeline Magnet Schools (in PDF)
- JFB-E1 Open Enrollment/Magnet School Application for 2025-2026 (in PDF)
- JFC Student Withdrawal from School/Dropouts | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 05/06/2013
Translation: Spanish- JFC-R Student Withdrawal from School/Dropouts Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 07/27/2007
Translation: Spanish
- JFC-R Student Withdrawal from School/Dropouts Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 07/27/2007
- JFCL Anti-Harassment Policy - Student - Replaced with Policy Code JB, Equal Educational Opportunities and Anti-Harassment
- JFCL-R Anti-Harassment Policy - Student Regulation- Replaced with Regulation JB-R, Equal Educational Opportunities and Anti-Harassment
- JG Assignment of Students to Classes and Grade Levels | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 07/24/2007
Translation: Spanish- JG-R Assignment of Students to Classes and Grade Levels Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/10/2020
- JH Student Absences and Excuses | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/22/2011
Translation: Spanish - JHB Truancy | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 11/22/2011
Translation: Spanish - JHC Released Time for Students | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 03/11/2011
Translation: Spanish - JHCB Released Time for Religious Instruction | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/22/2011
Translation: Spanish- JHCB-E Released Time for Religious Instruction Exhibit (in PDF)
Translation: Spanish
- JHCB-E Released Time for Religious Instruction Exhibit (in PDF)
- JHCC Communicable Disease - Student | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/20/2015
Translation: Spanish- JHCC-R Communicable Disease - Student Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 03/03/2006
Translation: Spanish
- JHCC-R Communicable Disease - Student Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 03/03/2006
- JHD Students with Chronic Health Conditions | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 08/23/2023
- JHD-R Students with Chronic Health Conditions Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/23/2023
- JHD-E1 Students with Chronic Health Conditions Exhibit 1 - Medical Certification of Student with Chronic Health Condition (in PDF)
Translations: Arabic | Chinese | Nepali | Somali | Spanish | Vietnamese - JHD-E3 Students with Chronic Health Conditions Exhibit 3 - Parent Information Letter Regarding Chronic Medical Certification (in PDF)
Translations: Arabic | Chinese | Nepali | Somali | Spanish | Vietnamese - JHD-E4 Students with Chronic Health Conditions Exhibit 4 - Expired Chronic Medical Certification Letter to Parent (in PDF)
Translations: Arabic | Chinese | Nepali | Somali | Spanish | Vietnamese - JHD-E5 Students with Chronic Health Conditions Exhibit 5 - Parent Notification of Instructional Plan (in PDF)
Translations: Arabic | Chinese | Nepali | Somali | Spanish | Vietnamese
- JHD-E1 Students with Chronic Health Conditions Exhibit 1 - Medical Certification of Student with Chronic Health Condition (in PDF)
- JHD-R Students with Chronic Health Conditions Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/23/2023
- JI Rights and Responsibilities | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/24/2012
Translation: Spanish- JI-R Rights and Responsibilities - Student Transfer to Safe School Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/17/2015
Translation: Spanish
- JI-R Rights and Responsibilities - Student Transfer to Safe School Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/17/2015
- JICA Student Dress | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 02/13/2024
Translation: Spanish- JICA-R Student Dress Regulation (in PDF)
Translation: Spanish- JICA-E Approved Dress Codes by School (Schools with Uniforms) (in PDF)
Translation: Spanish
- JICA-E Approved Dress Codes by School (Schools with Uniforms) (in PDF)
- JICA-R Student Dress Regulation (in PDF)
- JICB Care of School Property by Students | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 05/20/2013
Translation: Spanish - JICFA Hazing | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 12/11/2012
Translation: Spanish- JICFA-R Hazing Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) 09/26/2019
Translations: Arabic | Chinese | Kirundi | Somali | Spanish | Vietnamese- JICFA-E Hazing Exhibit (Hazing Report Form) (in PDF)
Translations: Arabic | Chinese | Russian | Somali | Spanish | Vietnamese
- JICFA-E Hazing Exhibit (Hazing Report Form) (in PDF)
- JICFA-R Hazing Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) 09/26/2019
- JICG Tobacco Use By Students | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 01/11/2022
Translation: Spanish - JICH Drug and Alcohol Use By Students | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/03/2013
Translation: Spanish - JICI Weapons in School | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/03/2013
Translation: Spanish - JICJ Use of Cell Phones & Other Electronic Signaling Devices | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/23/2022
Translation: Spanish- JICJ-R Use of Cell Phones & Other Electronic Signaling Devices Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/25/2006
Translation: Spanish
- JICJ-R Use of Cell Phones & Other Electronic Signaling Devices Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/25/2006
- JICK Student Violence, Bullying, Intimidation and Harassment | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/14/2015
Translation: Spanish- JICK-R Student Violence, Bullying, Intimidation and Harassment | Print Version (in PDF) 09/26/2019
Translation: Spanish- JICK-E1 Student Violence, Bullying, Intimidation, Harassment Complaint Form (in PDF)
Translation: Spanish - JICK-E2 Student Violence, Bullying, Intimidation, Harassment Exhibit | Print Version (in PDF)
Translation: Spanish
- JICK-E1 Student Violence, Bullying, Intimidation, Harassment Complaint Form (in PDF)
- JICK-R Student Violence, Bullying, Intimidation and Harassment | Print Version (in PDF) 09/26/2019
- JICL Dating Abuse | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/24/2013
Translation: Spanish- JICL-R Dating Abuse Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 07/12/2011
Translation: Spanish
- JICL-R Dating Abuse Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 07/12/2011
- JIH Student Interviews, Searches and Arrests | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 01/28/2025
Translation: Spanish - JJA Student Organizations, Clubs and Student Government | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/11/2013
Translation: Spanish - JJE Student Fund-Raising Activities | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/23/2011
Translation: Spanish- JJE-R Fundraising Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/26/2024
Translation: Spanish
- JJE-R Fundraising Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/26/2024
- JJF Student Activities Funds | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/23/2011
Translation: Spanish - JJIB Interscholastic Sports | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 10/25/2011
Translation: Spanish- JJIB-E Arizona Interscholastic Association, Inc. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI) / Concussion Annual Statement and Acknowledgement Form (available from Arizona Interscholatics Association website - in PDF)
- JJIB-E1 Important Information Regarding Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries (in PDF)
- JJIB-E2 Written Receipt for "Important Information Regarding Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injury" (in PDF)
- JJJ Extracurricular Activity Eligibility | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 04/28/2020
Translation: Spanish- JJJ-R Extracurricular Activity Guidelines | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 08/31/2012
Translation: Spanish
- JJJ-R Extracurricular Activity Guidelines | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 08/31/2012
- JK Student Discipline | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 01/11/2022
Translation: Spanish - Student Code of Conduct
Translations: Arabic | Kirundi | Spanish | Somali | Swahili | Vietnamese- JK-R1 Student Discipline - Short Term Suspension | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/17/2015
Translation: Spanish| Kirundi - JK-R1-E1 Short-Term Suspension Notice Exhibit (in PDF)
- Translation: Spanish
- JK-R1-E2 Notice of Hearing Date Exhibit (in PDF)
Translation: Spanish
- JK-R2 Student Discipline - Long-Term Suspension | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/17/2015
Translation: Spanish| Kirundi - JK-R2-E1 Long-Term Hearing Officer Decision/Recommendation Exhibit (in PDF)
- Translation: Spanish
- JK-R2-E2 Expulsion Packet Checklist (in PDF)
- JK-R2-E3 Long-Term Hearing Folder Checklist (in PDF)
- JK-R3 Student Discipline - Expulsion | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/19/2009
Translation: Spanish- JK-R3-E1 Expulsion Recommendation Exhibit (in PDF)
Translation: Spanish
- JK-R3-E1 Expulsion Recommendation Exhibit (in PDF)
- JK-R4 Student Discipline - Suspension Abeyance Contract Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 09/24/2010
Translation: Spanish- JK-R4-E1 Abeyance Contract for ST Suspension Exhibit (in PDF)
Translation: Spanish - JK-R4-E2 Abeyance Contract for LT Suspension Exhibit (in PDF)
Translation: Spanish - JK-R4-E3 Suspension Abeyance Optional Conditions Exhibit (in PDF)
Translation: Spanish - JK-R4-E4 Suspension Reinstatement Letter Exhibit (in PDF)
Translation: Spanish
- JK-R4-E1 Abeyance Contract for ST Suspension Exhibit (in PDF)
- JK-R1 Student Discipline - Short Term Suspension | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/17/2015
- JKA Behavior Management and Student Discipline | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 03/07/2017
- JKA-R Student Discipline (Behavior Management and Discipline of All Students) | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/30/2017
- JLA Student Insurance Program | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 05/20/2013
Translation: Spanish - JLC Student Health Services and Requirements | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 07/24/2012
Translation: Spanish - JLCB Immunizations of Students | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 02/14/2006
Translation: Spanish- JLCB-R Immunizations of Students Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/21/206
Translation: Spanish
- JLCB-R Immunizations of Students Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/21/206
- JLCC Communicable / Infectious Diseases | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 08/27/2013
Translation: Spanish- JLCC-R Head Lice Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/04/2015
Translation: Spanish
- JLCC-R Head Lice Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/04/2015
- JLCD Administering Medicines and Treatments to Students | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/24/2022
Translation: Spanish- JLCD-R Administering Medicines to Students Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 03/27/2022
Translation: Spanish - JLCD-R2 Diabetes Managements Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 07/28/2009
Translation: Spanish- JLCD-E Administering Medicines to Students Exhibit (in PDF)
Translation: Spanish
- JLCD-E Administering Medicines to Students Exhibit (in PDF)
- JLCD-R Administering Medicines to Students Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 03/27/2022
- JLD Guidance and Counseling | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/24/2022
Translation: Spanish - JLF Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection (Replaces Administrative Regulation 1450) | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 02/08/2022
Translation: Spanish- JLF-R1 Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/09/2021
- JLF-R2 Instruction and Training in Suicide Prevention | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 02/05/2020
- JLF-E1 Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection Exhibit (Child Abuse Report Form - in PDF) Revised 11/09/2021
- JLH Missing Students | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 05/24/2022
Translation: Spanish - JLIF Sex Offender Notification| Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 07/24/2018
- JLIF-R Sex Offender Notification | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 07/30/2018
- JQ Student Fees, Fines and Charges | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/21/2022
Translation: Spanish
Guidelines for School Tax Credit from AZ Dept of Revenue (in PDF)- JQ-R1 Student Fees, Fines and Charges | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 11/04/2011
Translation: Spanish - JQ-R2 Student Fees, Fines and Charges | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 01/30/2024
Translation: Spanish
- JQ-R1 Student Fees, Fines and Charges | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 11/04/2011
- JR Student Records | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 03/27/2012
Translation: Spanish- JR-R Student Records | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/16/2022
- KB Parental Involvement in Education | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/29/2019
- KB-R Parental Involvement in Education Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 10/16/2012
- KBEA Clothing Bank | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 05/28/2013
- KBF Interpreter & Translator Support Services for Students & Parents/Guardians | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 03/25/2013
Translations: Arabic | Chinese | Nepali | Spanish- KBF-R Interpreter & Translator Support Services for Students & Parents/Guardians Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/18/2012
Translations: Arabic | Chinese | Nepali | Spanish
- KBF-R Interpreter & Translator Support Services for Students & Parents/Guardians Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/18/2012
- KCD Public Gifts and Donations to Schools | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 01/11/2022
- KCD-R Public Gifts and Donations to Schools Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 12/19/2022
- KDB Public's Right to Know/Freedom of Information | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/29/2023 (add legal reference only)
- KDB-R Public's Right to Know/Freedom of Information Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 07/12/2010
- KE Public Concerns and Complaints | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/24/2013
Translations: Chinese | Spanish | Vietnamese- KE-R Public Concerns and Complaints Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/26/2019
- KF Community Use of School Facilities | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/23/2013
- KF-R Community Use of School Facilities Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 01/26/2023
- KF-E Rental Rates Exhibit (in PDF)
- KF-R Community Use of School Facilities Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 01/26/2023
- KFA Public Conduct on School Property | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 01/11/2022
- KFAA Smoking on School Premises at Public Functions | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 07/23/2013
- KFB Community Schools | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 05/06/2013
- KHB Advertising in Schools | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 02/08/2022
- KHB-R Advertising in Schools Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 02/10/2022
- KHB-E Advertising in Schools Exhibit | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 02/10/2022
- KHC Distribution/Display of Promotional Materials | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 12/11/2012
- KHC-R Guidelines for Distribution/Display of Promotional Materials | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 03/01/2013
- KHCA Distribution/Display of Promotional Materials from School-Related Organizations | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 12/11/2012
- KHCA-R Guidelines for Distribution or Display of Communications | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 03/01/2013
- KHF Charitable Solicitations | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 01/16/2007
- KI Visitors to Schools | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/06/2022
- KI-R Visitors to Schools Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 06/10/2020
- LCA Administration of Student and Staff Surveys | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/26/2023
- LCA-R Administration of Student and Staff Surveys Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/14/2023
- LCA-E Administration of Student Surveys Exhibit - (in PDF) Revised 10/07/2022
- Includes the following forms:
- Memo to External Research Committees
- Request to Conduct Research
- Summary of Request to Conduct Research
- Terms and Conditions
- Example of Research Proposal
- Parent Permission Form
- Principal or Department Head Permission Form
- LCA-R Administration of Student and Staff Surveys Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/14/2023