Alternative Education Advisory Committee

Next Meeting
2/17/2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm


Meeting Schedule
The Alternative Education Advisory Committee will hold a meeting on Monday, February 17, 2025, beginning at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom.

Please join AEAC Meeting


Meeting notices are posted outside the front door at the TUSD District Office at 1010 East Tenth Street, Tucson, AZ.  In addition, all meeting notices, agendas, minutes, actions, recordings, and other resources are available on BoardDocs.

Call to the Audience
The following procedures related to the Call to the Audience portion of the Alternative Education Advisory Committee meeting will be observed:
  • Members of the public who wish to speak during Call to the Audience must sign up by emailing staff at [email protected] prior to 1:00 p.m. the day of the meeting. The email should state the person’s first and last name, email address, topic of their comment and whether they will be emailing their written comments to be read or if they are planning to speak via Zoom during the meeting.
  • If members of the public are planning to speak during this portion of the meeting, they will be sent a Zoom link and brought into the meeting at the time of Call to the Audience.
  • If members of the public would like to submit written comments to be read into the record by the Committee Chair (or recording secretary), they will need to email written comments to [email protected] no later than 1:00 p.m. the day of the meeting.
  • The remaining rules for Call to the Audience will remain in effect.
Member List
Alternative Education Advisory Committee Members
  • Brieanna Chillious
  • Gabriel Garcia
  • Vanessa Garcia
  • Lucy LiBosha
  • Elizabeth Putnam-Hidalgo
  • Luke Skiba
  • Gloria Soto Wilson
  • Patricia Tabaczynski
  • Kenneth Welch
  • Sadie Shaw, Board Member Liaison
Contact Us

Applicants sought to fill vacancies on the Governing Board Alternative Education Advisory Committee (AEAC).

Tucson Unified School District seeks applicants to fill three vacancies on the Governing Board Alternative Education Advisory Committee. Committee members will support the Board and district leadership in oversight of the district’s alternative education programs, including:

  • Tucson Unified Virtual Academy (TUVA)
  • Catalina Online Learning Academy (COLE)
  • District Alternative Education Program (DAEP)
  • and the district’s credit recovery program.

This is a non-paid volunteer position.


Applications should include:

  1. the online application form
  2. a resume
  3. references
  4. and a letter of intent – that describes the applicant’s interest in working with this volunteer committee

Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.

Supporting application materials may be emailed to Governing Board ([email protected]) or mailed to:

Tucson Unified School District Governing Board
Morrow Education Center
1010 E. 10th Street
Tucson, AZ 85719