
Section G
Section G covers personnel policies for all school employees except for the superintendent and executive team.
- GA Personnel Goals/Priority Objectives | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/02/2012
- GBA Equal Employment Opportunity | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 12/12/2012
- GBA-R Guidelines Regarding the Support of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Individuals | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 06/10/2020
- GBB Staff Involvement in Decision Making | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/24/2013
- GBB-R Staff Involvement in Decision Making Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 07/12/2011
- GBDA Procedure for Resolution of Conflicts between Staff and Administrator | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 09/04/2012
- GBEA Staff Ethics | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/25/2011
- GBEAA Staff Conflict of Interest | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 04/23/2019
- GBEB Staff Conduct | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 03/27/2020
- GBEB-R1 Staff Conduct Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/30/2020
- GBEB-R2 Use of Conducted Energy Devices by School Safety Officers | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 02/12/2020
- GBEBA Dress Code for Employees | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 05/28/2013
- GBEBB Staff Conduct with Students | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 09/04/2012
- GBEBB-R Staff Conduct with Students Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/30/2020
- GBEBC Gifts to and Solicitations by Staff Members | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/27/2011
- GBEC Substance-Free Workplace | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 05/06/2013
- GBEC-R1 Substance-Free Workplace Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/27/2007
- GBEC-R2 Substance-Free Workplace Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 01/18/2005
- GBED Smoking by Staff Members | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/23/2013
- GBEFA Staff Use of Digital Wireless Communications or Electronic Devices While Operating a Motor Vehicle | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 03/27/2020
- GBGC Employee Health and Safety | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/19/2023
- GBGC-R Employee Assistance | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 07/12/2011
- GBGC-R1 Reporting Industrial Injuries or Illness | Print Version (in PDF) 07/11/2011
- GBGC-R2 Required Health Examinations | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 01/18/2005
- GBGC-R3 Bloodborne Pathogen Requirement | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/19/2023
- GBGC-R4 Employee Sick Leave | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 06/30/2017
- GBGC-R5 Prohibition Against Retaliation for Use of Sick Leave | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 06/30/2017
- GBGCA Proof of Immunization | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/11/2023
- GBGCB Staff Health and Safety - Communicable Diseases | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/04/2024
- GBI District and Staff Participation in Political Activities | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 03/10/2020
- GBJ Personnel Records and Files | Print Version (in PDF) 08/27/2019
- GBJ-R Personnel Records and Files Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/10/2024
- GBP Prohibited Personnel Practices | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 05/28/2013
- GBQ Eligibility for Rehire | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 10/02/2019
- GBQ-E Exhibit (in PDF)
- GCAA Application for Position | Print Version (in PDF) 06/21/2022
- GCAB Filling of Vacancies | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/14/2018
- GCAB-R Remote Work Assignments | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 02/10/2022
- GCAB-E AGREEMENT - Remote Work Assignment | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 02/10/2022
- GCAB-R2 Highly Qualified and Appropriately Certified Staff | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 10/08/2010
- GCAB-R Remote Work Assignments | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 02/10/2022
- GCAC Negotiation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/23/2013
- GCB Employee Contracts and Compensation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 01/25/2022
- GCBB Administrators Contracts | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/08/2015
- GCBB-R Administrator Contracts | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 08/14/2015
- GCBC Professional Staff Supplementary Pay Plans | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 04/23/2012
- GCBC-R Recruitment, Retention and Transfer Stipends | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 05/17/2013
- GCBCA Moving Expenses | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/03/2013
- GCBD Health and Welfare Insurance Benefits | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 03/25/2013
- GCBD-R Health and Welfare Insurance Benefits Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 07/29/2005
- GCC Unauthorized Leave | Print Version (in PDF) Readopted 08/25/2009
- GCCA Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 12/10/2024
- GCCA-R Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 09/11/2015
- GCCI Administrative Temporary Assignment | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/22/2011
- GCFB Hiring of Retirees from the Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS) | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/15/2016
- GCFC Certification and Credentialing Requirements | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 10/09/2012
- GCFE Oath of Office | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/16/2013
- GCGA Auxiliary Teaching Personnel | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/11/2013
- GCGAB Temporary and Part-Time Personnel | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/03/2013
- GCH Employee Orientation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/16/2013
- GCI Professional Staff Development | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/09/2015
- GCO Evaluation of Certificated Staff Members | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/09/2016
- GCO-R Evaluation of Certificated Teachers | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 08/24/2012
- GCO-R1 Evaluation of Certificated Teachers | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 04/29/2016
- GCO-R2 Administrator Evaluation Procedure | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/01/2016
- GCO-E1 TUSD School Counselor Evaluation Instrument Resource (in PDF)
- GCO-E2 TUSD School Counselor Performance Evaluation (in PDF)
- GCO-E3 Administrator Evaluation Instrument Exhibit (in PDF)
- GCO-E4 Placement Guide for Principal Evaluation Cycle Exhibit (in PDF)
- GCO-E5 Professional Growth Plan Exhibit (in PDF)
- GCOC Rules for Disciplinary Action Against an Administrator | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/12/2013
- GCQA-R Reduction in Force Guidance (in PDF)
- GCR Outside Employment Services | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/17/2012
- GCRD Tutoring for Pay | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 12/11/2012
- GDBC Classified Staff Supplemental Pay/Overtime | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/22/2012
- GDDA Employee Early Release | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/24/2013
- GDFA Fingerprint Clearance (Formerly GCFA) | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/03/2013
- GDFA-R Fingerprint Clearance Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/27/2010
- GDFB Current Employees Charged with a Crime – Requirement to Report | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 12/10/2019
- GE Defense and Indemnification of Employees in Litigation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 03/27/2012