
Auxiliary Teaching Personnel

Section G: Personnel

Policy Title: Auxiliary Teaching Personnel
Policy Code: GCGA

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Substitute Teachers

In order to serve as a substitute in Tucson Unified School District, teachers must possess a valid Arizona regular or substitute certificate. Retired teachers may also substitute with a valid regular or substitute certificate.

Variation of the pay schedule is determined by the length of assignment.

Student Teachers/Internships

Tucson Unified School District will work cooperatively with the College of Education of the University of Arizona and other teacher-education institutions in planning and implementing student teacher and intern programs.

Exchange Teaching

In order to broaden horizons of students of Tucson Unified School District, the Governing Board will work cooperatively with the United States Department of Education in programs for exchange positions between teachers in the United States and in certain foreign countries. The local School District will pay the salary of its teacher while he/she is abroad, and vice versa. Application must be submitted between September 1 and November 1 for an exchange the following year.

On occasion the Governing Board may also cooperate with another public school district within the United States to facilitate an exchange of teachers.

Adopted by Board: September 17, 1985
Revised: September 9, 2008 (numeric to letter format only)
Readopted: August 25, 2009 (readopted with no changes)
Reviewed: June 11, 2013