Tucson Unified Governing Board
Phone: (520) 225-6070
FAX: (520) 798-8767
Policies for Review: When the Governing Board is soliciting feedback on policies proposed for elimination, revision, and adoption, please:
Share your feedback
The Governing Board will hold it's Organizational and Regular meeting on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, with Executive Session beginning at 4:00 p.m. and the Public meeting scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m. at the Duffy Community Center, Multipurpose Room, 5145 E. Fifth Street, Tucson, AZ 85711.
The January 28, 2025 Special Governing Board meeting will include a public hearing on the subject of the TUSD 2023-2024 Annual Report, which is available on the District's desegregation page.
Meeting notices are posted outside the front door at the TUSD District Office at 1010 E. Tenth Street, Tucson, AZ 85719.
In addition, all meeting notices, agendas, minutes, actions, recordings, and other resources are available on Board Docs.
Audio-video recordings are available shortly after the meetings from TUSD Governing Board Meetings on Livestream.
The following procedures related to the Call to the Audience portion of Board meetings will be observed:
- Members of the public who wish to address the Board shall complete a Request to Address Board form and submit electronically to the Board office by noon the day of the meeting or physically to Board Staff at the start of the meeting before the close of Call to the Audience.
- Submission must include name of speaker, topic of comments and should indicate which agenda item your comments relate to.
- Submission must indicate whether individuals will address the Board in person or will submit written comments to be read into the record (email written comments to [email protected]) by noon the day of the meeting.
Se observarán los siguientes procedimientos relacionados con la porción del Llamado a la Audiencia:
- Los miembros del público que deseen abordar a la Mesa Directiva deben llenar la forma Petición para Dirigirse a La Mesa Directiva y someta esta forma electronicamente a la oficina de la Mesa Directiva para el mediodia el dia de la junta, o fisicamente al personal de la Mesa Directiva en la reunión en cualquier momento antes del cierre del Llamado a la Audiencia.
- Debe incluir su nombre, tema de los comentarios y debe incluir cuál asunto de la agenda se relacionan sus comentarios.
- Debe indicar si desea dirigirse a la Mesa Directiva en persona o someter sus comentarios escritos para ser leidos (comentarios escritos pueden ser eviados por correo electrónico al [email protected]) para el mediodia del dia de la junta.
Las reglas completes para la Llamado a la Audiencia pueden encontrar en la Política de la Mesa Directiva BEDH – Public Participation at Board Meetings, Policy-Code-BEDH (tusd1.org).
To access the agenda items and support materials, go to BoardDocs.
If you need help with this system, please call BoardDocs Customer Service, 1-800-407-0141, Option 1.
- National School Counseling Week February 5-9, 2024
- Career and Tecnical Education Month - February 2024
- Proclamation - Procurement Month - March 2024
- Proclamation - Mathematics Week - March 4-17, 2024
- Proclamation - Social Emotional Learning (SEL) - March 8, 2024
- Proclamation - National School Nurse Day - May 8, 2024
- Proclamation - SMART Week - August 26-30, 2024
- Proclamation - A Legacy of Excellence Awareness Week - September 22-28, 2024
Meetings can be viewed here while the meetings are in progress.
(See the Meeting Schedule for the list of meetings scheduled for livestream video.)
Audio-video recordings are available immediately after the meetings from the Livestream website.
TUSD Governing Board Meetings (Livestream)
TUSD Governing Board Vote to Convene Executive Sessions (Livestream)