Bond Oversight Committee

Next Meeting
3/20/2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm


Meeting Schedule
The Bond Oversight Committee will hold a meeting on Thursday, March 20, 2025, beginning at 1:00 p.m. at the Duffy Community Center, 5145 E. Fifth Street, in the Multipurpose Room. 


Meeting notices are posted outside the front door at the TUSD District Office at 1010 East Tenth Street, Tucson, AZ.  In addition, all meeting notices, agendas, minutes, actions, recordings, and other resources are available on BoardDocs.

Member List
Bond Oversight Committee Members
  • Jeffrey Anthony
  • Kathryn Arvizu
  • Dawn Bell
  • Owen Brosanders
  • Sofia Blue
  • Cindy Coleman
  • Luis Gonzales
  • Erika Miranda-Carter
  • Red Morrow
  • Raghu Nandan
  • Peter Norquest
  • Tiffany Rogers
  • Delia Sotelo
  • Jennifer Eckstrom, Govering Board Liaison
Contact Us

Tucson Unified Governing Board Bond Oversight Committee members will monitor expenditures, project completion process, project timelines, and procurement fidelity for all projects included in the voter approved bond package. This is a non-paid volunteer position. 


Information and Application 


1. Committee Members will serve up to three two-year terms. 

2. Committee Members will attend monthly meetings and will only be able to miss two meetings out of the year. 


Bond Oversight Committee Applications 

Applications should include the

  • online application form,
  • a resume, and
  • a letter of intent that describes the applicant’s interest in working with this volunteer committee and experience. 

Supporting application materials may be emailed to the Governing Board or mailed to Tucson Unified School District Governing Board, Morrow Education Center, 1010 E. 10th Street, Tucson, Arizona 85719. 

Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.