
Section D
Section D: Fiscal Management
Section D covers school finances and the management of funds, material resources, purchasing and warehousing. Policies on the financing of school construction and renovation, however, are filed in Section F, Facilities Development.
- DAA Contingency Reserve Requirement | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/25/2021
- DAA-E1 Required Contingency Reserve Exhibit (in PDF) Adopted 03/12/2019
- DBC Budget Planning, Preparation and Schedules | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/12/2020
- DBC-R Budget Planning, Preparation and Schedules Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 11/06/2018
- DD Funding Proposals, Grants, and Special Projects | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 04/18/2013
- DDA Funding Sources Outside the School System | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/02/2012
- DFG Review & Action of Impact to the District Based on Growth & Rezoning | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 03/18/2013
- DG Banking Services | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 05/24/2022
- DGA Authorized Signatures | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 06/04/2024
- DID Asset Management | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 05/06/2013
- DID-R Asset Management Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 12/14/2004
- DID-E Asset Management Exhibit (in PDF)
- DID-R Asset Management Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 12/14/2004
- DIF Audits/Financial Monitoring | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 02/22/2022
- DIFA Office of Internal Audit | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 11/17/2020
- DIFA-E Evaluation Tool for Office of Internal Audit (in PDF) Adopted 11/17/2020
- DIFB Fraud, Theft, or other Intentional Acts of Crime Discovered by the Internal Auditor | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/14/2018
- DIFC Fraud Risk Prevention | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 10/5/2021
- DJ Purchasing Ethics Policy | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 09/24/2019
- DJ-E Procurement and Vendor Relations Ethics (in PDF) Revised 05/14/2012
- DJ-E2 Purchasing Procedures Exhibit (in PDF) Revised 04/25/2014
- DJE - Purchasing Procedures | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/24/2019
- DJE-R - Purchasing Procedures Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/31/2023
- DJG Vendor/Contractor Relations | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 12/10/2013
- DKB Salary Deductions | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/14/2018
- DKB-R Mandatory Deduction for Overpayment of Salary or Wages | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 09/19/2018
- DKC Expense Authorization/Reimbursement | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/24/2013