
Section I
Section I covers the instructional program: basic curricular subjects; special programs, instructional resources, evaluation of programs, and academic achievement.
- IC School Year | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 03/25/2013
- ID School Day | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/01/2018
- ID-R School Day Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 09/23/2005
- IGA Curriculum Development | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 04/14/2015
- IGE Curriculum Guides and Course Outlines | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/14/2015
- IHAA English Instruction | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/05/2012
- IHAM Physical Activity and Wellness | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/12/2014
- IHAM-R1 District Wellness Program | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/09/2018
- IHAM-R2 Student Physical Activity | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 08/09/2018
- IHAM-E District Wellness Exhibit - District Nutrition Standards (in PDF) Revised 11/26/2018
- IHAMB Family Life Education | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/14/2016
- IHAMB-R Family Life Education Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 03/03/2006
- IHAMC Instruction and Training in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 06/18/2019
- IHB Exceptional Education Instructional Programs | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/13/2018
- IHB-R Exceptional Education Instructional Programs Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/23/2023
- IHBA Education of Section 504 Disabled Students | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/21/2024 (Cross-ref only)
- IHBA-R - Complaints under Section 504 and ADA | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/21/2024
- IHBB Gifted and Talented Education | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 10/09/2012
- IHBE Parental Waivers for English Learners in Dual Language Classrooms | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 06/05/2012
- IHBF Homebound Instruction | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/13/2016
- IHBJ Native American Education | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 01/27/2009
- Native American Policies and Procedures (in PDF) Revised 01/25/2022
- IHCBA Student Participation in Events Out-of-State | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 12/11/2012
- IHCBB School Sponsored Trips to Foreign Countries - Repealed 12/14/10
- IIB Class Size | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 05/28/2013
- IIEA High School Subjects Taken in Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grades | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/09/2021
- IIEA-R High School Subjects Taken in Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grades Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 04/18/2019
- IJ Instructional Resources and Materials | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 10/25/2011
- IJ-R Instructional Resources and Materials Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 10/05/2004
- IJ-R1 Instructional Resources and Materials Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 07/12/2011
- IJ-R2 Instructional Resources and Materials Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 07/12/2011
- IJ-R3 Instructional Resources and Materials Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 07/12/2011
- IJJ Text/Supplementary Materials Selection and Adoption | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 04/23/2019
- Emergency Determination on Purchase/Approval of Instructional Materials - Adopted 04/07/20 (in PDF)
- IJJ-R Text/Supplementary Materials Selection and Adoption Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/13/2018
- IJJ-E Supplemental Materials Flow Chart (in PDF) Revised 9/28/2020
- IJK Library Programs | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 01/17/2013
- IJL Library Materials Selection and Adoption | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 01/24/2023
- IJL-R Library Materials Selection and Adoption Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 02/01/2023
- IJL-E1 Library Materials Selection and Adoption Exhibit 1, Faculty Recommendations for Library Media Center Materials (in PDF) Revised 05/22/2012
- IJL-E2 Library Materials Selection and Adoption Exhibit 2, Student and Parent Recommendations for Library Media Center Materials (in PDF) Revised 05/22/2012
- IJL-R Library Materials Selection and Adoption Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 02/01/2023
- IJNDB Use of Technology Resources in Instruction | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/24/2018
- IJNDB-R1 Use of Technology Resources in Instruction Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/20/2018
- IJNDB-R2 Use of Technology Resources in Instruction - Laptop Usage | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 10/13/2006
- IJNDB-E1 Use of Technology Resources in Instruction Exhibit 1, Electronic Information Services User Agreement (on PDF) Adopted 08/20/2018
- IJOC School Volunteers | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/03/2013
Translations: Chinese | Spanish | Vietnamese- IJOC-R School Volunteers Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/15/2012
Translations: Chinese | Spanish | Vietnamese- VOLUNTEER APPLICATION FORM Revised September 2021
- نحن نشجعكم على التطوع في مدرسة أطفالكم. لمعرفة تفاصيل كيف تصبح متطوعا في مدرستكم، يرجى الاتصال بالمكتب الأمامي للمدرسة. يمكن للمدرسة أن تساعدك في ملء استمارة طلب التطوع بمساعدة مترجم فوري.
- We encourage you to volunteer at your child's school. To find out details on how to become a school volunteer, please contact the school front office. Your school can help you fill out the Volunteer Application Form with the help of an interpreter.
- Le alentamos a servir como voluntario en la escuela de su niño(a). Para enterarse de los detalles de cómo ser un voluntario de la escuela, por favor comuníquese con la oficina principal de la escuela, su escuela le puede ayudar a llenar la Forma de Solicitud de Voluntario con la ayuda de un intérprete.
- Turagutera umwete wo gukorera ubushake kw’ishuri ry'umwana wawe. Kugirango umenye amakuru y’ukuntu ushobora kuba umukorerabushake w’ishuri, nyabuna hamagara ibiro vy’ishuri. Ishuri ryawe rirashobora kugufasha kuzuza Ifishi isaba kuba umukorerabushake ubifashijwemo n’umusemuzi.
- Waxaan kugu dhiirigelinaynaa inaad ku tabarucdo wakhtiga si lo caawiyo dugsiga ilmahaaga. Si aad u ogaato faahfaahinta sida loo noqdo mutadawiciin dugsi, fadlan la xiriir xafiiska hore ee dugsiga. Dugsigaagu wuxuu kaa caawin karaa buuxinta Foomka Codsiga Tabaruca isagoo la kaashanaya turjumaan.
- Tunakuhimiza kujitolea katika shule ya mtoto wako. Ili kupata maelezo juu ya jinsi ya kujitolea shuleni, tafadhali wasiliana na ofisi ya mbele ya shule. Shule yako inaweza kukusaidia kujaza Fomu ya Maombi ya kujitolea kwa msaada wa mkalimani.
- Chúng tôi khuyến khích bạn làm tình nguyện viên tại trường của con bạn. Để tìm hiểu chi tiết về cách trở thành tình nguyện viên của trường, vui lòng liên hệ với văn phòng trường. Trường của bạn có thể giúp bạn điền vào Mẫu Đơn Tình nguyện viên với sự giúp đỡ của một thông dịch viên.
- IJOC-R School Volunteers Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 08/15/2012
- IJOCA Recognition of School Volunteers | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 12/11/2012
- IKA Grading/Assessment Systems | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 02/13/2018
- IKA-R Grading/Assessment Systems | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 12/10/2019
- IKAB Report Cards/Progress Reports | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/23/2009
- IKB Homework | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/28/2010
- IKE Promotion, Retention and Acceleration of Students | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 07/28/2020
- IKE-R1 Promotion, Retention, Acceleration and Appeal | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/28/2013
- IKE-R2 Competency Requirement for Promotion of Students from Third Grade | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 09/21/2022
- IKE-E1 Student Support Plan (SSP) (in PDF) Recoded 06/15/2013
- IKE-E2 IKE Exhibit 2 - Parent/Guardian Letter of Acceptance of Student's Acceleration Decision (in PDF) Recoded 06/15/2013
- IKE-E3 IKE Exhibit 3 - Parent Request for Review of Teacher Decision (in PDF) Recoded 06/15/2013
- IKE-E4 IKE Exhibit 4 - Sample Parent Letter Progress Meeting (in PDF) Recoded 06/15/2013
- IKE-E5 IKE Exhibit 5 - Notice of Decision for Retention (in PDF) Recoded 06/15/2013
Translation: Spanish - IKE-E6 IKE Exhibit 6 - Recommended Education Plan (in PDF) Recoded 06/15/2013
- IKE-E7 IKE Exhibit 7 - Calendar of Events (in PDF) Recoded 06/15/2013
- IKF Graduation Requirements | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 11/29/2022
- IKF-R Graduation Requirements Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/05/2024
- IKF-E1 IKF Exhibit 1 - Graduation Requirements (Alternatives to PE Requirements) (in PDF) Adopted 04/28/2015
- IKF-E2 IKF Exhibit 2 - Alternatives to Physical Education Program Counselor Checklist (in PDF) Adopted 04/28/2015
- IKF-R Graduation Requirements Regulation | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 06/05/2024
- IKFB Graduation Exercises | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 03/26/2019
- IKFB-R Graduation Exercises - Honor Cords | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 05/20/2019
- IKG Credit for Distance Learning Courses | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 01/10/2006
- IMB Teaching about Controversial/Sensitive Issues | Print Version (in PDF) Adopted 07/24/2007
- IMC Guest Speakers | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 05/20/2013
- IMD School Observances (Patriotic) | Print Version (in PDF) Reviewed 04/03/2013
- IMG Animals in Schools | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 03/27/2020
- IMG-R1 Animals in Schools | Print Version (in PDF) Revised 03/31/2020