
Substance-Free Workplace Regulation

Section G: Personnel

Regulation Title: Substance-Free Workplace
Regulation Code: GBEC-R1
Lead Department: Human Resources

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Supervisors that have reasonable grounds to believe that an employee is impaired by reason of drugs or alcohol will immediately relieve the employee from his/her duties and direct the employee to submit to an alcohol test and/or drug screen. When it appears that an employee is in immediate need of medical assistance, the supervisor will call 911 for an emergency medical response.

Reasonable grounds sufficient to require testing must be based on specific objectives and distinct facts or behaviors of probable drug and/or alcohol use. Reasonable grounds would include factors such as slurred speech, red eyes, dilated pupils, incoherence, unsteadiness, an odor of alcohol or marijuana, excessive absence or tardiness, carelessness, erratic behavior, inability to perform the job and other unexplained behavioral changes.

In non-emergency situations, when a supervisor has reasonable grounds for believing that an employee is physically impaired and unable to safely operate equipment or perform assigned duties, the supervisor shall immediately:

  • Relieve the employee of his/her duties;
  • Inquire as to whether the employee is using any prescription medication or is suffering from a known physical condition that might account for his/her actions or would make the employee a danger to himself or others in performing his/her job duties;
  • Contact the Human Resources Department, state the facts and reasonable grounds which cause the supervisor to believe that the employee is impaired or unable to perform assigned duties and receive direction as to whether to have the employee's condition evaluated;
  • Should it be decided to have the employee tested, Human Resources will arrange for an immediate evaluation with a contracted clinic;
  • The supervisor or designee will transport the employee to the evaluation and will remain until the evaluation is complete. Employees will not be permitted to transport themselves;
  • Should the employee refuse to be tested, the supervisor will advise the employee that by doing so he/she will be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal. If the employee continues to refuse to be tested, the supervisor will arrange to have the employee driven home pending further action;
  • The employee will not be permitted to return to work until released by the examining physician and contacted by the supervisor or Human Resources.

Adopted: January 18, 2005
Revision: July 27, 2007 (Friday Report)

Legal Ref: A.R.S. 13-2911
13-3104 et seq.
P.L. 100-690 Title V, Subtitle D.
34 C.F.R. Part 85

Future Cross Ref: EEAEAA - Drug and Alcohol testing of Transportation Employees
EEB - Business and Personnel Transportation Services
EEAG - Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
EEAEA - Bus Driver Requirement, Training and Responsibilities