
Communicable / Infectious Diseases

Section J - Students

Policy Title: Communicable / Infectious Diseases
Policy Code: JLCC

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Any student with, or recovering from, a communicable disease will not be permitted in school until the period of contagion is passed or until a physician recommends a return, in accordance with A.R.S. 36-621 et seq., appropriate regulations of the State Department of Health Services, and policies of the County Health Department.

Parents will be requested to provide a history of the communicable diseases for each student, and such records will be kept and maintained by the District.

A student suffering from a communicable disease shall be excluded from school to protect the student's own welfare and also to protect other students from illness. Early recognition of a communicable disease is of prime importance. The administrator or county health director shall make the decision for exclusion and readmission.

Pediculosis (Lice Infestation)

Students with pediculosis shall be excluded from school until treatment specific for pediculosis has been initiated and the student is symptom free.

Adopted: August 27, 2013

LEGAL REF.: A.R.S. 15-87115-87236-621
A.C.C. R9-6-202 et seq., R9-6-301, R9-6-342, R9-6-355