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Public Concerns and Complaints

Section K: School/Community Relations

Policy Title: Public Concerns and Complaints
Policy Code: KE

Print Version (in PDF)

The Governing Board acknowledges that parent and community involvement in the public school system is the most valuable resource in improving the quality and support of public education. The Board believes that positive and appropriate two-way communication between the school district, schools, parent or community member of the Tucson Unified School District school community is a vital component of school-community interaction.

The Governing Board recognizes that situations may arise in which parent or community members have concerns or complaints. Concern and/or complaints may involve policies, personnel, operations and services, facilities, curriculum and instructional materials and other related school community issues.

The Board respects the work of district employees and their role in effective communication with parents and community members. The Board believes that most questions and concerns are best resolved through communication with appropriate staff members at the local school or at the district level. The Governing Board believes that such concerns are best handled through direct communication to the individual staff member and/or supervisor of the staff member who may and can directly address the concern or complaint.

The District welcomes constructive criticism of the schools whenever it is motivated by a sincere desire to improve the quality of the educational or management program of the district. The district has confidence in its professional staff and desires to support their actions in order that they are free from unnecessary, spiteful or destructive criticism and complaint. Therefore, whenever a complaint is made directly to the district or Governing Board as a whole or to a Governing Board member as an individual, it shall be referred to the school administration through the Superintendent's Office for study and reporting.

Complaints regarding district compliance with nondiscrimination laws will be processed according to the grievance procedure (AC – Discrimination) established for that purpose.

Adopted: November 9, 2004
Revised: January 17, 2013 [Cross Reference Correction Only]
Revised: September 24, 2013

Cross Ref: AC – Discrimination