
Parental Involvement in Education Regulation

Section K: School/Community Relations

Regulation Title: Parental Involvement in Education Regulation
Regulation Code: KB-R

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Parents' Access to Courses of Study and Learning Materials

Parents who wish to learn about the course of study for their children or to review learning materials may request to review instructional materials. The request must be in writing and must specify the materials they wish to review.

Parental Objections to Learning Activities or Materials

A parent who objects to any learning material or activity on the basis that the material or activity is harmful, because of sexual content, violent content, or profane or vulgar language, may request to withdraw that student from the activity or from the class or program in which the material is used and request an alternative assignment.

Availability of Instructional Employee Resumés

The administration shall make available each teaching employee's resumé for inspection upon request of parents or guardians of pupils enrolled at a school. Such information shall not include teacher address, salary, social security number, telephone number or other personally identifiable information as determined by the District. See Exhibit KB-E1 (In PDF).

Adopted: October 16, 2012
Revised: November 9, 2012 [Friday Report]