Section J - Students
Regulation Title: Use of Cell Phones and Other Electronic Signaling Devices
Regulation Code: JICJ-R
Lead Department: Academic Leadership
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In order for students to focus on learning, Tucson Unified School District tries to minimize distractions and interruptions to all instructional time. Based on the importance of this instructional time, phones and electronic signaling devices will not be allowed to be visible or used. All students are required to adhere to the following guidelines regarding cell phones and other electronic signaling devices.
Cell phones and electronic signaling devices may be used
- on or off campus before or after school.
- during lunch for high school students only.
- following a school state of emergency; the school principal or designee may allow contact with parents for a designated time period.
- if a teacher approves the use for educational activities conducted in his/her own classroom.
- if a teacher/coach approves the use during extended trips and sporting events.
Cell phones and electronic signaling devices may NOT be used
- during instructional classroom time, including assemblies or other activities, which take place during the regularly scheduled classroom periods.
- during passing periods.
- during elementary and middle school students' lunch periods unless an administrative approval has been obtained.
- to take pictures at any time that violate personal privacy.
- for cheating.
- on field trips or excursions, which are conducted during the normal school day and during regular classroom instructional hours.
Students who violate the above guidelines shall be deemed to have created a disruption in the educational environment and are subject to disciplinary action. The severity of the disruption and whether other policies were also violated will determine the appropriate discipline. The Governing Board policy on Student Discipline will be used as the guideline for disciplinary action.
Phones or Electronic Signaling Devices Confiscated
Phones or Electronic Signaling Devices may be confiscated for disciplinary reasons.
- First offense, students may pick up their phone or electronic signaling device from the teacher at the end of the class period or
- Second offense or multi infractions, the student's parent must pick up the cell phone or electronic signaling device from the Principal's Office.
- If any criminal violations may have been allegedly committed, the phone or electronic signaling device may be held or turned over to District administration or police for evidence.
Reviewed: June 24, 2005 - [To Board in Friday Report]
Revision: August 25, 2006 - [To Board in Friday Report]