Regulation Code-GBGCB-R1
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Last Update: 10:30 AM, 05-16-2023
Section G: Personnel
Regulation Title: TUSD Safety Requirements for COVID-19
Regulation Code: GBGCB-R1 (Temporary)
Print Version of Regulation GBGCB-R1 (in PDF)
Health Safety Protocols
To assure the safety of the Tucson Unified Community, the COVID-19 principles described below shall immediately be enacted in accordance with U.S. State Department, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Arizona Department of Health, Arizona Department of Education, and Pima County Health Department Guidelines (hereinafter “the regulatory agencies”).
This temporary regulation shall remain in effect until guidance from the regulatory agencies related to the COVID-19 pandemic changes and/or, in the discretion of the Superintendent, all or portions of the regulation may be modified or revoked. This updated regulation replaces EB-R2 – TUSD Safety Requirements for COVID-19 –Temporary – Revised 12/09/2022.
This regulation may be modified or discontinued in the discretion of the Superintendent.
Guiding Practices
Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) will make a good-faith effort to implement the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published updated guidance titled, “Operational Guidance for K12 Schools and Early Care and Educational Programs to Support Safe In-Person Learning”, and will update practices as CDC recommendations are updated.
Close Contact (AKA “exposure”) |
Any individual who was within six (6) feet of a confirmed positive COVID-19 or symptomatic individual for greater than 15 minutes over a 24-hour period. |
Outbreak |
TUSD defines an outbreak as three or more cases in a classroom or greater than 10% of the population confirmed COVID-19 cases among individuals, in close contact with a positive case, within a 14-day period, who do not share the same household and were not identified as close contacts in another setting. |
Sick |
Any individual that has tested positive for COVID-19 or has signs/symptoms of COVID-19 as defined by the CDC, regardless of vaccination status. |
Sick Individuals– Symptomatic or COVID-19 Positive, Regardless of Vaccination Status
Sick individuals are required to refrain from entering any TUSD facility. Individuals who demonstrate “sick” will first be asked to wear a well-fitting mask while in the building, then will be sent home after notifying the parent/guardian. TUSD Health Offices will offer antigen testing after receipt of written consent. While individuals are waiting to be picked up or sent home, they will be in an area that is greater than six (6) feet from other individuals and sanitized in accordance with CDC sanitation guidelines after departure. Sick individuals must remain on five (5) days of isolation in accordance with CDC isolation and quarantine guidelines. If an individual refuses to test, they must complete the five-day isolation/quarantine.
Return to TUSD Facilities
Sick individuals may return to TUSD facilities after isolation has been completed in accordance with CDC guidelines. Individuals must have symptoms resolving/resolved, be fever-free for at least 24-hours without the use of medications that reduce fever and be able to wear a tight-fitting mask for the next five (5) days upon return. Individuals returning to TUSD facilities after isolation has been completed will be highly encouraged to wear well-fitting mask and encouraged to wear the mask for the next five (5) days around others. Individuals with COVID-like illness, who have no fever greater than 24-hours without the use of medications that reduce fever, have tested negative for COVID-19, or have a healthcare provider’s note validating they are not contagious for COVID-19, the individual may return to school.
Quarantine Post-Close-Contact Exposure
Quarantine will not be required for those identified as close contacts to a confirmed or suspected confirmed COVID-19 positive individual. TUSD will attempt to notify all close contacts. If an individual is identified or suspected as a close contact, Health Services will contact the parent/guardian or the individual and inform them of the potential close contact and provide them with the potential exposure guidelines by the CDC. The parent/guardian or the staff member will utilize the CDC guidelines and determine the appropriate actions based on the guidelines. Exposed individuals will be encouraged to wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days post exposure. If an individual is symptomatic or tests positive, they will follow the “sick individuals” response protocol.
See flow chart used to ensure consistency of practice.
Mitigation Response
TUSD follows the CDC Community Level mitigation response recommendations. The following leveled prevention approaches will be employed based on the communication plan identified at each level. The community level and transmission rate will be reported from the Director of Health Services based on the timeline identified in the level indicator. Site administrators will be accountable to promoting and enforcing the prevention steps indicated by level.
Level | Individual Prevention Steps | TUSD Prevention Steps |
Low Transmission Rate = <200 cases per 100,000 Communication: Bi-Weekly |
Medium Transmission Rate = >200 cases per 100,000 Communication: Weekly |
High Transmission Rate = >200 cases per 100,000 Communication: Daily |
Outbreak DEFINED AS: Three or more confirmed COVID-19 cases among individuals, in close contact with a positive case, within a 14-day period, who do not share the same household and were not identified as close contacts in another setting. |
Outbreak Response
Outbreaks will be determined based on the definition outlined in this regulation. Health Office Staff will consult with site administrator to identify if an outbreak is present at their location. The Outbreak Letter will be sent to the parents/guardians and staff members located in identified outbreak areas. The site administrator, in consultation with the Assistant Superintendent, determines the best course of action to address outbreaks at their location. Health Office Staff will report outbreaks to the Pima County Health Department in aggregate within FERPA and HIPAA compliance guidelines.
Supplemental Educational Materials for Distribution
The following information will be made available via link on the TUSD website as well as in PDF format for print handouts:
1. CDC – What to do if you are sick.
2. CDC – What to do if you were exposed to COVID-19.
3. CDC – Staying up to date with vaccinations (COVID-19 including boosters).
4. CDC – Isolation and precautions for people with COVID-19.
5. CDC – Guidelines for K-12 Education.
6. TUSD – Outbreak Letter.
Health Services Specific Operations
Close Contacts or Exposed Individuals
Attempts will be made in good faith to identify close contacts (i.e., “exposures) to a confirmed or suspected positive COVID-19 individual (anyone within six feet of the individual for greater than 15 minutes over a 24-hour period). Attempts will be made by Health Services to contact parents/guardians of students to provide notification of the potential close contact and provide the CDC, “what to do if you are exposed” guidelines. If the Health Office is not able to confirm contact with a parent/guardian, the health office will request that the student wear a well-fitting mask and will send a PDF copy of the CDC “what to do if you are exposed” guidelines home with the student. If the student is not symptomatic for COVID-19, they may return to class. The student is requested to wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days, and test on day 6. All education and care provided will be documented in Synergy.
Positives Returning from Five-Day Isolation
If a child is confirmed or suspected positive for COVID-19, the student will be sent home. The health office will offer COVID-19 antigen testing if a written consent has been received. The health office will provide the parent/guardian with the isolation and precautions for people with COVID-19 guidelines. An alert will be placed in the Synergy system alerting the teacher to request the student to wear a well-fitting mask from day 6 to day 10 upon return. If the child returns on day 6 and is not wearing a mask, the teacher will offer a mask to the student and request that they wear the mask. If they or the parent/guardian refuses the mask, the teacher should alert the site administrator to determine if the child should remain without a mask or go home until the 10-day isolation period has concluded.
ADOPTED: August 5, 2020 [SLT/Superintendent approved]
REVISED: January 11, 2021 [SLT/Superintendent approved]
Revised: February 17, 2021 (add hyperlinks) [SLT/Superintendent approved]
Revised: March 30, 2021 [SLT/Superintendent approved]
Revised: August 30, 2021 [SLT/Superintendent approved]
Revised: February 22, 2022
Revised: March 2, 2022
Revised: March 22, 2022
Revised: December 9, 2022
Revised: April 19, 2023
EB – Environmental and Safety Program
GBGCB – Staff Health and Safety – Communicable Disease
GBGCC – Vaccine and Testing Policy
GBGCC-E – Vaccine and Testing Policy Exhibit
JHCC -: Communicable Disease - Student
JHD – Students with Chronic Health Conditions