District and Staff Participation in Political Activities Regulation
Section G: Personnel
Regulation Title: Staff Participation in Political Activities
Regulation Code: GBI-R
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Prohibition of Use of School District Resources or Employees to Influence Elections:
- TUSD recognizes the right of its employees, as citizens, to engage in political activity. However, TUSD time, personnel, equipment, supplies, materials, buildings, or other resources including email, may not be used to influence the outcomes of elections.
- TUSD employees must not give students written materials to influence the outcome of an election or to advocate support for or opposition to pending or proposed legislation.
- Political circulars or petitions may not be posted or distributed in school.
- The collection of campaign funds and/or the solicitation of campaign workers is prohibited on school property.
- The authority of an employee’s position may not be used to influence the vote or political activities of another employee or student.
Reviewed: March 30, 2012 [Friday Report]
Legal Ref: A.R.S. §15-511
Cross Ref # GBEB – Staff Conduct
GBEA – Staff Ethics