
Library Materials Selection and Adoption

Section I: Instructional Program

Policy Title: Library Materials Selection and Adoption
Policy Code: IJL

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The school library program, an integral part of the total District curriculum, is the vehicle that provides opportunities for students to master information literacy skills and develop a lifelong interest in reading and learning. Every student must have access to a thoughtfully selected, integrated library collection that reflects the curriculum and the diverse needs of the school community.

Selection Objectives
School library materials will be selected to support and enrich a site's educational program. Materials will serve the breadth and depth of the curriculum, the instructional needs of the faculty, and the interests of the students. The obligations of the District are to provide library materials that meet the diversity needs of the District and reflect a wide range of reading abilities.

Library materials are defined as all print, nonprint, and electronic resources (excluding textbooks and supplementary materials) used by students and teachers for the District's educational goals.

Responsibility for selecting library materials
The professional library staff, with in-put from faculty, parents, and students will select materials for school libraries. In selecting materials for purchase for the school library, the teacher-librarian will evaluate the existing collection, the school's curriculum, and needs of the school community.

School staff members, students, parents, and other school community members may request that certain materials be considered for either addition to or removal from the collection, in accordance with District policies and regulations.

Public Review
For library books and materials purchased after January 1, 2023, the Superintendent shall establish procedures to list such books and materials for public review, except that public review is not required for the purchase of books or materials intended to replace lost or damaged books or materials.

The following are exempt from the requirements of public review discussed herein:

  • Schools without a full-time library media specialist or equivalent position.
  • District libraries that have agreements with county free library districts, municipal libraries, or other entities pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-362(D).

Adopted: June 27, 2006
Revised:  January 24, 2023

LEGAL REF.: A.R.S 15-102 Parental Involvement in the school
15-362 Libraries; powers and duties
15-721 Common schools; course of study; textbooks
15-722 High schools; course of study; textbooks

CROSS REF: IJK - Library Programs; IJG - Intellectual Freedom;
ADF - Intercultural Proficiency

Replaces TUSD Policy # 6540 Library Book Selection