
Intercultural Proficiency - Regulation

Regulation Title: Intercultural Proficiency
Regulation Code: ADF-R
Lead Department: Ethnic Studies

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Tucson Unified School District commitment to diversity and equity means that all individuals, the organization, and our work must be all inclusive and respective for the diverse population of which we serve.

The Intercultural Proficiency Checklist

District Practice

  • The policies, regulations, guidelines and practices of the District emphasize the value of intercultural proficiency and strengthen our commitment to cultural inclusiveness.
  • TUSD promotes cultural activities which recognize the diversity of its staff, students, parents and community.
  • TUSD provides a diverse, flexible and creative work environment which acknowledges, supports, values and encourages intercultural proficiency.
  • All District events and activities incorporate equity of opportunity, access, and outcome for all persons.

School wide Practice

  • Each school fosters understanding and acceptance of cultural differences.
  • Each school acknowledges and treats honestly and fairly the contributions of different cultural groups.
  • All curricular materials accurately represent the histories, experiences, and contributions of various cultural groups.
  • Each school provides all students equal access to quality educational programs and learning experiences.

Physical Environment

  • Each school displays pictures, posters and other materials representative of the cultures and ethnic backgrounds of children and families served.
  • Each school ensures that the manipulatives, magazines, classroom books, and other printed materials in the classroom reflect the different cultures and diversity of children and families served.
  • The school classrooms offer appropriate and multi-environment arrangements and varied work areas that reflect the different diversity of the children and families served.
  • The food served at school and at events and activities ensures respect for the cultural and ethnic backgrounds of children and families served.

Teaching Practices

  • Each school facilitates the students' family, language, and culture as foundations and resources for learning.
  • Classroom practices encourage multiple intelligences and reflect an understanding of different learning styles, both in individual and in cultural applications.
  • All teachers know how to use students' informal home language as a tool for developing formal literacy.
  • The assessment methods reflect the diversity of students' learning styles, language, and culture.
  • Classroom management techniques reflect the variety of cultures in the classroom.

School-Community Relations

  • Each school links learning to families and resources in the local community.
  • Each school is sensitive to the special needs and cultures of their parents.
  • Each school provides ongoing parent education and training so parents can learn ways to enhance their child's learning at home.
  • Each classroom uses parents as a resource to inform educational strategies.

Employee Practices

  • All employees demonstrate their ability to successfully work with people from all backgrounds.
  • All employees use inclusive language.
  • The employees that demonstrate their abilities to exhibit inclusive values such as ability to communicate, flexibility and co-operation are promoted and recognized.
  • Each employee expresses respect of every person and of diversity.
  • Employees actively discourage the use of discriminatory language and practices.

Professional Development

  • TUSD provides opportunities for staff to gain knowledge about different cultural groups.
  • Teachers receive training to help them use students' family, language, and culture as foundations for learning.
  • Teachers receive training to help them work with culturally and linguistically diverse students and parents.
    Professional development of all employees is designed:
    • To provide educational programs in human relations, racial/ethnic relations and human rights.
    • To provide educational programs for staff to develop the skill necessary to relate knowledgeably and sensitively to people of different racial and ethnic origins.
    • To provide educational programs for staff on integration of multicultural curriculum materials into existing programs.

Curriculum and Learning Resources are:

  • Designed and implemented appropriately as school-based experiences to combat oppression, racism and prejudice.
  • Encouraged and supported by the selection and/or development of all types of learning resources which reflect cultural and ethnic diversity and which present an accurate view of racial/ethnic groups.

Reviewed: January 6, 2006 (Friday Report)
Correction: November 8, 2006 (Lead Department Title)