
Dating Abuse

Section J - Students

Policy Title: Dating Abuse
Policy Code: JICL

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The Governing Board is committed to maintaining a school campus environment that is safe and secure for all students. Dating abuse will not be tolerated by the District. Students who become targets of dating abuse are entitled to certain rights that shall be respected and protected by all school employees. It is the responsibility of all District employees to respond to any incident of dating abuse they become aware of in a manner consistent with District training.

The Superintendent shall provide for procedures to ensure appropriate steps are taken to establish and maintain safe and secure schools. These shall include but not be limited to:

  • an ongoing effort to enhance employee training and campus safety planning,
  • establishing reporting procedures, and
  • making accommodations for victims.

The Superintendent shall establish an age-appropriate dating abuse curriculum for students in grades seven (7) through twelve (12). That curriculum shall include the following components:

  • A definition of dating abuse.
  • The recognition of dating abuse warning signs.
  • The characteristics of healthy relationships.

Dating Abuse Definition

Dating abuse is a pattern of behavior in which one person uses or threatens to use physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional abuse to control the person’s former or present dating partner. Behaviors used may include but are not limited to:

  • Physical Abuse: Any intentional, unwanted physical contact by either the abuser or an object within the abuser’s control, regardless of whether such contact caused pain or injuries to the former or present dating partner.
  • Emotional Abuse: The intentional infliction of mental or emotional distress by threat, coercion, stalking, humiliation, destruction of self-esteem, or other unwanted, hurtful verbal or nonverbal conduct toward the former or present dating partner.
  • Sexual Abuse: Any sexual behavior or physical contact toward the former or present dating partner that is unwanted and/or interferes with the ability of the former or present dating partner to consent or control the circumstances of sexual interaction.
  • Threats: The threat of any of the aforementioned forms of abuse, threat of disclosing private information to parents, peers, or teachers, or any other threat made with the intent of forcing the former or present dating partner to change his or her behavior.

Student Rights Relating to Dating Abuse:

  • All students have the right to be free from sex discrimination and sexual harassment at school. Dating abuse is a form of sexual harassment.
  • A student who reports dating abuse shall be treated with respect and dignity.
  • School personnel shall take affirmative steps to prevent and respond to dating abuse that occurs both on and off campus.
  • A victim of dating abuse has the right to transfer to another school. A victim’s decision to transfer to another school must be informed and voluntary. Should an alternative school placement be determined in the best interest of the victim all transportation needs will be accommodated by the student’s parent or guardian.
  • A victim has the right to be treated with respect and dignity, and not be subjected to pressure to minimize the severity of acts that occurred or to suggestions that he or she contributed to his or her own victimization.
  • Students who have experienced dating abuse have the right to full cooperation for school personnel in obtaining information necessary to achieve resolution.

Students are encouraged to report all known or suspected instances of dating abuse involving themselves or other students. Although initial reports of abuse may be made verbally or in writing, verbal reports must be converted to written records on District-provided forms and confirmed by the victim for accuracy.

When District officials have a reasonable belief or an investigation reveals that a reported incident may constitute an unlawful act, law enforcement authorities will be informed.

Adopted: June 28, 2011
Revised: December 5, 2012 [Cross Reference Correction Only]
Reviewed: June 24, 2013

A.R.S. §13-1401
A.R.S. §13-1403
A.R.S. §13-1404
A.R.S. §13-1405
A.R.S. §13-1406
A.R.S. §15-342.02
A.R.S. §15-712.01

CROSS REF: ACA – Sexual Harassment
JII – Student Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances
JK – Student Discipline
JR – Student Records
KB – Parental Involvement in Education