
Family Life Education

Section I: Instructional Program

Regulation Title: Family Life Education
Regulation Code: IHAMB
Lead Department: Curriculum & Instruction

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Sex Education
Instruction in sex education shall be offered in the District (grades 4-12) in conformity with the requirements of Arizona Guidelines for Sex Education and TUSD's State certified curriculum. Pursuant to A.R.S §15-102(A), a parent must provide written permission for the child to participate in the sex education curricula. Furthermore, parents will be notified in advance of any instruction or presentation regarding sexuality in courses other than the formal sex education curricula and be given the opportunity to withdraw the child from such instruction or presentation. Teachers shall receive training in the instruction of TUSD's Family Life Education curriculum.

Comprehensive health education curriculum shall:

  • Provide medically accurate, age-appropriate information on anatomy, reproduction, and related biology;
  • Teach risk reduction surrounding unintended pregnancy, contraceptives, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV; and
  • Empower student to make informed decisions and create healthy relationships including addressing bullying, dating violence, and consent.

The Governing Board shall review the total instructional materials and approve all lessons in the course of study to be offered in sex education.

The Governing Board shall maintain for viewing by the public to the total instructional materials to be used in all high school sex education courses to be offered.

If sex education is offered, the curricula shall include instruction in the laws relating to sexual conduct with a minor.

Certificate of Compliance
The District shall certify, under the notarized signatures of both the Governing Board President and the Superintendent, compliance with AAC R7-2-303. Acknowledgement of receipt of the compliance certification from the State Board of Education is required as a prerequisite to the initiation of instruction. Certification of compliance shall be in a format and with such particulars as shall be specified by the State Department of Education.

Schools may provide age appropriate instruction in HIV/AIDS (grades 5-12) that conforms to Arizona Guidelines for Sex Education.

The content and philosophy of TUSD's State certified curriculum for sex education and HIV/AIDS instruction was previously approved by the Governing Board after community review and input, and is currently reflected in the curriculum's philosophy, goals, and objectives. Any major conceptual changes to the content or philosophy of TUSD's curriculum for sex education and HIV/AIDS must be approved by the Governing Board.

Adopted: February 14, 2006
Revision: May 10, 2016 (approval to post for input in accordance with Policy BG Exhibit BG-E1)
Revision: June 14, 2016 (final approval)

LEGAL REF.: A.R.S. 15-102 Parental Involvement in the school; definition
15-711 Sex education curricula; sexual conduct with a minor
15-716 Instruction on acquired immune deficiency syndrome; department assistance
15-341 Powers and Duties of School District Governing Boards
15-716 Alternative Education Programs
15-720 Alternative Education Programs
A.A.C. R7-2-303 Sex Education


Replaces TUSD Policy # None